Thursday, October 6, 2016

A really special present

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about a present that was given to me that I especially liked. I remember so many gifts that my parents gave me (especially in Christmas), but if I have to choose just one, I would say it was my bicycle. I remember I was living in Coyhaique back then, so I was like nine or ten years old, and I didn’t have a bicycle for a long time ago because the one I had before became too small for me when I was like five years old (I guess).  

That Christmas, I remember that about two weeks earlier from the real date my parents received two bicycles and told me that were gifts for my two older brothers, and I got really jealous because I wanted one too, so I started searching in my house for a present that was for me. It took me several days because I was never alone in my house, but one day my parents were on the backyard and I looked into the store room, and there it was: a beautiful light blue bicycle with a big basket on the front. At first, I thought it was a gift to my mom, but then I rode it and I realized it fit me, so I was hoping it was for me instead of my mom.

Then, the Christmas day arrived and there I saw it with a really big card with my name on it. I remember I was so happy that I went riding it without even eating my breakfast, and since then I rode it every single day until I had to move to Santiago to study in the University. Now my bike is in my house in Machalí, but whenever I have time I go out on it.


  1. That's really nice and cute present! I love to ride my bicycle :)

  2. Uff, this reminds me I have to repair my bicycle... You should try to get one to use it in Santiago! Ñuñoa and Providencia has really good ways for them :D

  3. Girl, i never learnt how to ride a bike. I think my parents dindt love me that much jaja

  4. I love bicycle! but I have to recognize that I don't like ride in Santiago because the people don't respect the rules :(

  5. You should bring your bike to Santiago, is so agotted move in transantiago :(

  6. That gift more beautiful and useful in life :)

  7. It`s a really nice present !! I also like ride a bike, but here I can`t , my bike is in Melipilla so I have to wait weekends to ride.Move in subway or transantiago is exhausting

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  9. I also love bicycles. My sister gave me my bike.
